Configuration of TP-Link WR841N

Can be used similarly for the following devices:

  • TP-Link WR841N

1st Step

Connect the device to the power plug and turn it on. Some control lights should alight now.

2nd Step

Connect a computer or mobile device to the router. Name (SSID) and password of the network should be printed onto the device.

Bottom side of a router with WiFi data.

3rd Step

Open a browser and type the address into its address line which you can find on the back of the router under „Default Access“, e.g. Now a login interface should open.

In case this does not work try the following numbers in the address line::

4th Step

Username is „admin“ and password is „admin“ as well.

5th Step

Click on „Quick Setup“ left in the window at the second position.

Starting page with arrow pointing at „Quick Setup“.

6th Step

Choose „Wireless Router“ and click next.

1st step in Quick Setup with "Wireless Router" option selected.

7th Step

Choose „Dynamic IP“ and click next.

2nd step in Quick Setup with "Dynamic IP" option selected.

8th Step

Choose „No, I do NOT need to clone MAC address.“ and click next.

3rd step in Quick Setup with selected option "No, I do NOT need to clone MAC address.".

9th Step

Choose a creative name and a secure password for your WiFi. Information about secure passwords can be found here: NIST Special Publication 800-63B

4th step in Quick Setup with completed form.

10th Step

Click in „Save“.

11th Step

In the left column, go to „Security“ then „Advanced Security“.

Image of the navigation mit a arrow pointing at „Advanced Security“.

12th Step

Uncheck the box „Forbid Ping Packet From WAN Port“ and save. Should this be named „Allow Ping Packet From WAN Port“ or something like that, check the box.

Image of the navigation mit a arrow pointing at „Forbid Ping Packet From WAN Port“.

The university sends ping requests to all logged in devices every two minutes. Devices that do not answer are logged out. Unchecking the box allows the router to answer to our requests:It is then essentially telling the university „Hi, I‘m still here.“

13th Step

Reduce transmission power under „Wireless / Advanced“.

You don‘t need that much power for a small room. The reduction of the WiFi power will reduce errors for the WiFi signals of your neighbors.

14th Step

Connect the WAN port (blue socket) to the left socket at the wall. Now please wait a moment.

Image of the ports of the router with a arrow pointing at the blue WAN port.

Only in case the left socket does not work, try the right one.

15th Step

In the left column, go to Status and scroll down to WAN. If you can find here an IP address thats starts with 134.93.…, then you are successfully registered.

If you encounter any problems during the setup, please write an email to